365 Days of Love: The Sweetest Gift Idea!

Hey all!!

Valentine’s Day is around the corner!! Need a gift idea…. for next year?

Hear me out.

Last Valentine’s Day I came up with this sweet gift idea for my husband, Brandon. And it truly has been the gift that keeps on giving! Granted, it took a bit of work, but it was SO worth it!! You could do this for any special event though (anniversary, birthday, Christmas, etc.) or just a random “I love you” gift.

What is it, you ask? A daily calendar, each day including a reason why you love that person.


How do you come up with 365 reasons!? Seems a little daunting, right? Maybe a little, but here’s what I did to make it even more special.

Every day for a whole year, I paid attention to a reason that I love Brandon & wrote it down (or entered it into my diary app on my phone). I soon realized that this also acted as a diary of sorts & reviewing it a year later would be fun to reminisce on what we did that day the year before.

I came up with this after receiving a sweet Valentine’s Day gift from Brandon where he typed up 2 pages of reasons why he loves me. We usually don’t go that crazy for Valentine’s Day, so this was a very sweet surprise. It made me want to do something special for him the next year, so I started planning ASAP. At the time, I had just read “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy & he talked about how he had written down in a journal 1 reason every day why he loved his wife. He gave that journal to her as a gift the next year, & it was obviously very heartfelt & meaningful. I thought, I should do that, but instead of just giving him a journal, I could make a daily flip calendar where he got to look at a different reason, on display, every day for a whole year. My crafty mind went to work immediately & I started paying attention to & tracking my “love” reasons right away.

Steps for Part 1: 1 YEAR OF TRACKING 

  1. Get a journal OR a “diary” app on your phone where you can type something in for each day. I used the diary function on an app called AwesomeNote, but I’m sure there are tons of others out there!  Displaying IMG_3810.PNG


  2. Every day, pay attention to a reason why you love that person. Trust me, this is a true labor of love. It’s hard to remember to pay attention every single day to this, but after awhile, it becomes a habit (probably a good thing for your relationship, right?). Don’t worry if you forget a few days…just try to think back on what you did that day & come up with something. And if you can’t remember, that’s when I would just write some kind of physical feature or general reason (like great teeth, or kind-hearted, or something like that).
  3. Optional: Throughout the year, periodically type up your reasons in a word document (this will make your life easier when the time comes to make your calendar).


Steps for Part 2: MAKE THE CALENDAR

  1. Buy a flip photo stand. I bought this one from Amazon & it worked perfectly!


  2. Pick out your paper. This was my favorite part because I have an obsession with scrapbook paper. I used a combination of nice printed scrapbook paper/cardstock & plain construction paper to save on costs. I picked out different printed/colored paper for each month’s theme (January = white, blue, silver … February = red, white, pink … March = green, gold, black … etc.)
  3. Cut your paper to desired size (if you use a paper cutter it’s much easier!). I believe I cut mine to 6×6, that way I got 4 sheets from each 12×12 piece of scrapbook paper.
  4. Type up your 365 days of love. Make sure you use a template on Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher where you can cut out multiple days per sheet. Size doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s smaller than your piece of scrapbook paper you cut out. I think I printed mine on a 4.25 x 5.5 (4 sheets per 8.5 x 11 sheet). You can print these out on any type of paper you’d like … I kept mine cheap & simple & printed on plain ivory paper.
  5. Make a cover sheet for each month (use same size as your other days). I spiced mine up & included cute themed pictures on each.
  6. Fasten your cover sheets & 365 days of love to each larger piece of themed scrapbook paper (using glue stick, tape, or whatever other method your heart desires) & organize/keep in order! Here’s an example of mine:
    FullSizeRender (2).jpg
  7. Using a hole punch, punch 2 holes in the top of each sheet (can do multiple at a time).
  8. Use a binder clip or paper clip to organize your 365 days by month. Here’s what all of mine looked like when completed (February is on the stand right now so that’s why it’s missing…ha)
  9. Get out the current month to display on your stand & store the rest to bring out throughout the year! If you purchase the stand I did, you can remove the rings from the top, loop through the holes you punched on your calendar & fasten on the stand. Here’s what it looks like (TaDa!):
    FullSizeRender (1).jpg
  10. DONE! Trust me, this is a hit … Brandon was shocked that I had done this for a whole year. It took effort but it was WORTH IT!

Lastly, MAKE THIS IDEA YOUR OWN!! This is simply me sharing something I did, but there are so many different ways you can customize this & make it your own. Don’t enjoy the crafty thing & don’t want to go through this much work? Maybe you could just buy an actual calendar for the next year & write down a different love reason on each day. You could do the journal idea & simply give your significant other a journal with your reasons. Heck, you could do 1 reason per week or 1 reason per month if you want instead of each day! The possibilities are endless, but I hope this at least inspired some creative thought & a new unique gift idea for the loved one in your life!


Love, Janeen 🙂


Latest Obsessions = Big Magic + Canva

Hey guys!

So lately, I have been obsessed with 2 things:

  1. The book, “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert 
  2. Canva (a website where you can make your own graphics w/ text, etc. Amazing. Go there now.)

Seriously, the book “Big Magic” was just one of those that totally connected with me. I found myself opening my eyes really wide & having these “A-ha” moments ALL THE TIME. I was like, “Is this lady talking directly to me, or what is the deal?” Those types of books are THE BEST. I want to read it again already. It’s all about our creativity, & our relationship with creativity, & how to harness & protect & love & best use our creativity. Fabulous. Buy it now.

As I was reading through the book, I started taking pictures on my phone of the pages with my favorite quotes (I ended up with lots of pictures by the time I was done). Meanwhile, I had also discovered Canva. I had heard about this a long time ago but just never got around to checking it out until now. I am in love. It’s so fun to play around with different graphics & text & font. It’s a fun way to use the “design” part of my creativity.

Anyway, I got to thinking & I figured I’d combine these 2 obsessions & make a whole bunch of canva graphics with my favorite Big Magic quotes! Genius right? Thought so. So, here I am sharing all my creations with you! Hope you enjoy these 🙂

  1. I swear, when I read this quote, it jumped off the page & slapped me in the face. At the time, the author was talking about a woman who had once loved figure skating as an adolescent. She abandoned it for various reasons, but came back to it in her adulthood. It is now a huge part of her life & her happiness to be able to express herself & her creativity in that way. This is what happened to me with my piano stuff. As an adult, I have a totally new perspective on this creative passion of mine. My creative work through the piano is something that makes me happy. If I just focus on that, instead of worrying about everything else I can’t control, all will be OK 😉 Big Magic Quote
  2. Now that I have this passion back, I never want to give it up. Inspiration is a funny thing….sometimes it’s there & sometimes it’s not. Either way, when it does decide to pay you a visit, there is nothing better.
    Big Magic Quote - How I want to spend my life
  3. Trust this feeling. If something is lighting you up, go for it. Life is too short to play it safe.
    Revolution - Big Magic Quote
  4. I have DEFINITELY had this feeling before. I especially feel this way about my song, Stargazer. Considering the fact that was my 2nd song I ever wrote, that it is very complex & probably pushed the skill level I had at 14 years old & still challenges me to this day… I seriously look back at that song & think, “I don’t know where that came from.” Sometimes when writing, I describe it as having an out of body experience. That’s what this quote is talking about. And I definitely relate.
    Big Magic Fairy Dust Quote
  5. I love this one!! It’s so true … even though I often cannot explain how it happened, it’s the best to be able to have a creative work that will NEVER go away. This is the token or souvenir that is inspiration’s gift to me, that I can keep forever.
    Big Magic Souvenir Quote
  6. In the book, Elizabeth talks about creativity like it is its own separate entity. Definitely a different concept, but I love thinking about things in different ways, so I enjoyed it. She talks about ideas & inspiration like they need an outlet RIGHT AWAY otherwise it will leave you & find someone/something else to be expressed through. I connected with this because I’ll often have my best ideas for songs when I’m out walking or driving on long road trips. I’ll have basically the whole song figured out & playing in my head but obviously I don’t have a piano handy to actually let the work out & create it!! However, I can feel that it needs an outlet, otherwise I will forget it & it will leave me. Therefore, thank God for technology, because I will just take my phone out & hum or whistle a voice memo of the melody of the song that is in my head. That way, when I listen to it later, it triggers the whole song that I had figured out in my head & I can then express it through the piano. I have learned to find a way to let the idea out RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT otherwise I may not get it back.
    Big Magic Quote - The Work Wants to Be Made
  7. This quote served as a reminder to me to never shut out my creativity. If a little bout of inspiration hits me, I should try to spend some time with that instead of constantly busying myself with other noise. I often listen to podcasts or music while I walk or drive, but sometimes, I’ll have a little melody pop in my head randomly. When this happens, I will immediately turn off whatever I’m listening to & spend some time with that idea. It often develops in my head & becomes a full song that I will then bring to life through the piano. This quote is also a good reminder not to be afraid to share my work. For the longest time, I was closed off to sharing my songs. I’m not sure if it was humbleness or fear, but either way, I’m glad that I’m getting to the point where I’m courageous enough to share what I’ve created.
    Big Magic Quote - Treasures Inside
  8. HAHA! OK, I apologize in advance for the language in this one, but I just cracked up when I read it. This one is a funny & light-hearted reminder to not take your work so seriously. I need to remember that the work that I create first & foremost is for ME. It’s my very own expression of my encounter with inspiration & so honestly, if no one else likes it, that’s ok, as long as I like it! Obviously, I hope that my work can bring enjoyment to others, but if that’s the case, I consider that bonus! I will continue to share what I create in case it can touch the hearts of others, but if no one else in the world thinks it’s good…. oh well. It wasn’t for them anyway. And they are free to create something they like instead 😉
    Big Magic - Go Make Your Own Art (1)

Honestly, you guys … I could have done 20 more of these but I had to draw the line somewhere. I would highly suggest reading this book. It may not be EVERYONE’s cup of tea, but it sure was mine…. so I couldn’t help but share. Hopefully you all enjoyed the quotes & graphics anyway! 😉

Thanks for visiting! If you’d like to check out some of my musical creations, I’d love it if you would visit my new website!

Stay Creative, Friends 🙂

Love, Janeen



Quick Craft to Make Use of All Those Christmas Cards!

Hey guys!

I came up with this super quick craft last night (seriously it took me like 5 minutes) & I just figured I’d share, since it’s a really great way to display all of those Christmas cards that we all get in the mail without cluttering up your fridge or just getting lost in a stack somewhere.

Although most of my creativity is applied to my music, I also LOVE paper crafts. I really don’t do it enough, but I just think it’s so fun to play with scrapbook paper & ribbon to make pretty signs, banners, calendars, etc.

So, here’s the step by step on how to make this quick Christmas Card Craft 🙂

1) Buy your supplies! I got everything I needed from my FAVORITE store here in Valentine, Cherry Blossom Paperie. You can get these items at any craft store. You will need:

– Ribbon (I used a thin red sparkly ribbon but you can use whatever ribbon you like!)

– Teeny tiny clothes pins (aren’t these the cutest things you’ve ever seen?)

– Merry Christmas sign/ornament (optional).

2) Cut your ribbon to the length you desire. Now, we just bought a new house this year & there has been this hook in the ceiling in the corner of our kitchen that we haven’t done anything with. SO, my idea for this project was to hang it from the ceiling & make it vertical. HOWEVER, you could totally do a horizontal version & make it “banner-style.” Just depends on the space you have!

3) Tie the ribbon to the hook (OR tie/tape/fixate to wherever you’re hanging your project if you’re doing a horizontal version).

4) Hang the Merry Christmas ornament at the top. This is optional but I think it just really finishes off the look!


5) Use the clothespins to fixate your Christmas cards to the ribbon.



Bonus Tip: Since I don’t have a lot of Christmas cards yet, I just filled out the strand of ribbon with these extra cute little cards I found at the paperie store 🙂  When I get more Christmas cards, I’ll replace these little guys with the new ones.


So there you have it!! See, I told you it was super easy. And here is what the finished product looks like! My husband even loves it & gave me a huge compliment when he got home last night 😉 Yay!


Hope you can all put this craft idea to good use! It really has already freed up so much space on my fridge & I’m still able to display all of these cards without the clutter! 


– Janeen


Although I would not consider myself an artist by any means (drawing/painting is not my forte), I do have a creative side to me! I like to think I have an eye for design (decorating my new house was a treat!) & love to come up with fun & unique crafts & projects to create for decor, gifts, parties, etc. More to come in this area!!